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Simple Forms
Project Start Date: 11/24/2024
Current Project Status
This project was mainly made as I was bored and wanted something simple to make, this led to building a simple forms app (hence the name). This app is practically a clone of microsoft forms, I wanted to implement authentication and saving of the forms through a relational databse which led to using postgresql.
Similiar Tools
- Microsoft Forms
- tally
Frameworks and tools involved
- NextJS
- Postgresql Database
- Lucia Auth
Projects Future Goals
- Collect Form responses and store them so that the user can edit forms once they've been sent out, limited control here
- A hero section for the website
- Share editing of the same form by multiple users
- Real time editing of the form so the edits are broadcast to other editing users
- AI form creation
- AI form question checker to ensure the questions result in non-biased results